Will Kingdom Hearts Continue After 3

  • #2

Yeah, there's no way it's the end. Even if the Lost Master Arc is the final arc in the series (which I HIGHLY doubt), I imagine it's going to span several games. Probably not as many as the Dark Seeker Arc, because I think Nomura is wary of going that long again considering the fan impatience.


  • #6

Didn't Nomura state somewhere that the "Dark Seeker saga" was only laying the "groundwork" for what's to come anyways?

It just remains to be hoped that after the mess that the first saga turned out to be storytelling-wise he will put more thought into coherency and comprehensive storytelling this time around and plan a few things more ahead.

Face My Fears

  • #7

I'm sure that the Lost Master Arc will span at least 3 main title games.

DISNEY is clearly realizing now that they had a foot in the gaming community - without even knowing it - for years with KH. They want to get into every market and KH is their pathway into gaming. That's why they had so much influence and gave so much support for KH3 unlike all the other games (besides saying "no" to things).

With that said, KH is a perfect way to renew interest in older IPs and advertise newer ones. DISNEY will definitely not give up something like that so soon.

  • #8

Didn't Nomura state somewhere that the "Dark Seeker saga" was only laying the "groundwork" for what's to come anyways?

It just remains to be hoped that after the mess that the first saga turned out to be storytelling-wise he will put more thought into coherency and comprehensive storytelling this time around and plan a few things more ahead.

Don't mean to be a pessimist, but nothing in this trailer makes me think he's going to tone down any of his typical Nomura-isms going forward.

Alpha Baymax

  • #10

This franchise makes too much money for both Disney and Square Enix to ever end.

Oracle Spockanort

  • #12

Imagine naming a new saga and then making its first game the final game haha


  • #13

It's never going to end.

That said, with PIXAR and Star Wars on the cusp of overtaking this series and Nomura clearly not interested in the characters for their own sake but as vessels for enacting his lost XIII, I think I'd prefer if they just closed the book on Sora and Riku already and moved on to a new cast so I could drop this series. Especially if every installment that's even worth a damn is going to take 6+ years to release (and only have like eight worlds and no FF content). I really thought after 3, they had moved on to making the next games almost immediately to not repeat the last saga's mistakes, but we're looking at late 2024-early 2025 for 4's release. Just amazing when you consider KH2 came out only 4 years after KH1, and they didn't even know there would be a sequel when KH1 was released.


  • #16

No, if anything I'm expecting more Kingdom Hearts in the future. With Disney making regular references to it now in some of their shows and KH making money for them, it's not ending. Disney could also promote some of their movies to gamers via Kingdom Hearts. I had never even heard of Tron until I played KH2 back in the day. It was because of KH I went and watched Tron and it's sequel Tron Legacy. If Disney wants a hand in the gaming world KH is a good way to have one.


  • #17

Idk, I feel like KH3 was an amazing point to drop the series. Sora being "death" was a clear set-up for the following saga, any other lingering thread built over the first 16+ years ended.

Yeah, but Sora was never actually "dead." And neither was Riku, so your point?

I don't mind waiting two, three or four years more for the next KH game, I have total faith that it will entertain me. In fact, I rather take the waiting than seeing something rushed just to have a new KH in time in a new platform, like DDD, that drove the storyline into such a corner that affected a lot of people perception of KH3.

People say this, but it always rings so hollow. There is no reason whatsoever that a company can't make a videogame in a reasonable range of time. Six years for, what, a game that will have only eight worlds like KH3 did? That is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination. We aren't even talking about how long KH3 took anymore, as much BS as that was, we're talking about KH4 now. The fanbase will always be full of excuses, but I think Square Enix and Nomura deserve every scrap of criticism they receive.

There's also a good chance there will be other content releases before then if it's going to take that long.

That might be achieved with mobile games, but good, well-made games--even something along the lines of MoM or the side games--nah, no way they're going any faster. They're going as slow as ever.


  • #18

With Disney officially recognizing Sora as an iconic Disney hero and the video game series as a whole the answer is going to be a resounding no. KH is going to continue for as long as they see fit.


  • #19

With Disney officially recognizing Sora as an iconic Disney hero and the video game series as a whole the answer is going to be a resounding no. KH is going to continue for as long as they see fit.

When was this?
That's almost as important as Phil recognizing him as a hero.


Source: https://www.khinsider.com/forums/index.php?threads/will-kh4-be-the-last-part-of-the-series.233795/

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